
Click/ZAP the vowel that goes in the (YELLOW HIGHLIGHTED BOX). You get 1 ZAP plus 2 times the number of vowels in the word. So, for a word with 3 vowels, you start with 7 ZAPS. When you guess incorrectly, you lose a ZAP. When you're out of ZAPS you lose 5 points.

You get bonus points for speed.

Scoring: bonus points plus 5 points for each unused ZAP.

Game ends when gameTime runs out. Or, you may end the game by clicking Z-end at the bottom of the screen. To reset length of timed games, CLICK THE CLOCK on the bottom bar.

To hide the RULES, click HERE or clic the ? at the bottom of the screen.

Parkway Elementary School Presents...

Click Z to begin

First we brainstormed a book together The Curious Rise of Deztinee Snearts. Then we put together this vocabulary/comprehension game with content from the book, even the early writing that got edited out. When you ZapZopZu the last missing letter, you will hear the word pronounced by one of our bright, witty and often dramatic Parkway actors.

Kudos to Parkway School's participating students and teachers for helping to produce a howl of a vowel and vocabulary game.

The game concludes when you click Z-end at the bottom of the screen or time runs out. For RULES click the ? Mark at the bottom of the screen. Begin the game by clicking on a CLASS name.